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#WomenOfTheScriptures: Fruit of The Spirit- Love

🥰 Shalom! As we dive into today about Love, I promise to make this as brief as I can (insert laugh here).. Many of us hear I love you often, some not so much, some only see the verbal side, while some see the action and not hear it. While those are important, have you really sat back and asked: What is love? How does one truly love? How does The Most High love? How should we love him? Think on these things. We will tackle two today tomorrow and then two on Sunday. I really want yall to ponder on these questions and write them down to reference. I want to see if our answers are the same.

Here is something to get you started...

🌈When reading the image, go to the scriptures and read.. meditate on the words and allow them to pierce your heart! In order to operate in the fruits of the spirit of Love.. we have to be in love with The Most High and HIS word!

#TakeaWay In addition to showing love to others, add some action today. Give someone a kind word, a hug, a scripture, a prayer, a small token of appreciation! Tell a stranger The Most High loves them today and forever..

💕1 John 3:18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth

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