#dontdeletemysis Anayah Tikvah!!

!! This a good question she posted!! My answer was:
PROVE PROVE PROVE then PROVE the proof!!! It’s so important... Amos 3:3 and always study the Bible for yourself to know the standard to hold these men to.. Sirach 6 is awesome for a standard on any relationship... How will you know how to be a virtuous wife if you don’t learn your roles/ responsibilities AND how will you know what to expect from a husband to be?? look out for 🚩 flags! Trust in The Most High to guide you..
🚩 keeps some laws, not all
🚩 lukewarm
🚩 is someone who doesn’t want you to read the Bible and just trust what they say- RUN.
🚩 wants you to trust them more than The Most High
🚩does not want to answer questions about themselves
🚩 secretive
🚩 have a mean streak
🚩 all talk no walk
🚩not committed to loving and living righteous
🚩 you are unsure sure of where he is going and WHO is guiding his steps because he moves wickedly - how can You follow that??
These are just a few ... how to find the rest, start at page 1 of the Bible 💕IF there are no red flags, then you need to make sure YOU are ready for marriage:
✅ be slow to speak, listen
✅ allow your husband to lead you without question
✅ other than The Most High, he comes first
✅ learn your roles and responsibilities look at how our foremothers handled situations
✅ check your emotions
✅ check your attitude and try not to talk back
✅ correction is love
✅ remember, you aren’t single you have to answer and report to someone now.