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What is your relationship built on..

Writer's picture: #DontDeleteMeSis#DontDeleteMeSis

#DontDeleteMeSis.. but for those desiring a relationship..💝 Do you even know what to build that foundation on? It's not looks, finances..or what type of fringes he has on.. You should NOT also base it off of your favorite social media couple..Sis, I know you see these beautiful couple pictures on social media..and think "why cant I find that".. let me tell u something sis.. dont fall for the okie doke! Most times it's all a show.. 🤷🏾‍♀️.. Look at their off camera works!! The things they dont show..or say. Don't base what you desiring off that.. Turn to The Most High to have HIM send you all packaged up to the RIGHTEOUS one!💝

❤For those in a relationship...Is it built on a solid scriptural foundation? That's the message here! Scripture says test these spirits, judge them by their fruit.. Not the appearance.. but what are they standing for?? I implore you to hold these prospective partners to a standard before calling them brother, then husband.. a tip is IF they RIGHTEOUS, they are courting with a purpose to make you his wife.

‼Read the scripture and find out the traits of a RIGHTEOUS husband are and make sure they exhibit those things.. Sirach 6 is my go to when proving anyone..

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