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Writer's picture#DontDeleteMeSis

Serving with your whole heart...

The greatest command is to what? Love others as you love yourself! When thinking on how can I be a better server of The Most Highs people.. allow that to marinate within you! Especially as a wife serving your husband.. it’s more than just serving a hot meal and washing some clothes. Are you serving him a meek spirit? Submissiveness? Or are you serving a bunch of lip? Remember we are the gift.. and a gift should be pleasant and pleasing right?

A mother serving her child is more than packing lunch and buying them things they need.. Are you serving them accordingly? Feeding their spirit with good things? Proverbs 22:6.. Are you serving your daughters with a good example of how to be a good daughter to The Most High.. a wife.. a mother? Are you serving your son with showing the type of woman he should marry, raise... We always tend to look at service as a thing.. when it’s sooo much more!!

On the same hand when serving others think about how would I liked to be served? Am I serving with pure intent or ill intent? Is it just for show to get prideful self gratification? Listen u can serve all the unleavened bread you want... if your spirit of filled with leaven, u failed.

This conclusion will be short and sweet! If you want to know about TRUE service... Read about some of the women of the scripture: Mary Magdalene: who when Every time her name is mentioned in a list of women, she is always first. I wonder why? Mark 16:9 speaks on how she came in contact with The Messiah.. and I see how she now felt indebted to Him.. He saved her life!! Can u even imagine that’s sis?? Yes! We should be serving Him everyday in gladness!!

The question I get asked the most is “what do I do if I want to serve?” Easy sis: whatever is required, requested or desired... For instance serving your congregation may be helping taking care of the kids or prepping food. Serving others may be lending a helping hand where they need or providing an uplifting word. Remember the word serve means to perform duties or services. BUT if u aren’t serving them love with those tasks.. it’s all in vain!! Service, scripturally means by serving others you automatically serving The Most High!! And we know all HE is wants is obedience.

....serving to me is like showing others how I worship The Most High by fulfilling a need.. not just because HE says so.. but because I genuinely love serving others... thats the real service!! ...the love!! It’s why I do I what I do when I type these messages, when I host events, when I share a sister’s business page or product and ask that you #SupportSHEbrews.. serving others is operating in the fruits of the spirit, in a physical form... #SomebodyGonnaCatchThatLater

Romans 12:11 Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord

Matthew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven

Remember the woman who washed The Messiah feet with her hair (Luke 7:36-50) .. why do you think she did that?? Maybe there was not any linens around🤷🏾‍♀️.. ok why didn’t she use a piece of her clothing.. #Thinkkk!!?? When serving we should have that mindset... of that woman! There are a lot of women who served.. a few Joanna, the wife of Chuza, and Susanna.. check them out when you have a minute! Any others you can think of? Let’s chat!

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