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#MorningBrew☕🙌🏾 ..the best brew is brewing on time yall😅

Writer's picture: #DontDeleteMeSis#DontDeleteMeSis

Updated: Jul 4, 2020

📢 Hear ye my sisters... This is why it is sooo important to understand the importance of STAYING ready so you don't have to get ready..Remember the parable about the 5 foolish virgins who had no oil in their lamp?? If not: Matthew 25:1-13 [🤔 we may have to add that to our #WomenOfTheScriptures list!!]

🛡Takeaway: There won't be time to grab your bible and start reading Psalms 23 sis when He returns..Sorry.. but its time to stop fence straddling remaining idle and start prepping like you prep for Shabbat!! To be honest sis, that should be your mood everyday. That's the main problem many women.. wanna drop the "wo"... from woman! 🤷🏾‍♀️ u cant be a man sis.. so stop being manly and start being a #womanofthescripts today! Put aside all the things u know are wrong just to follow the crowd and look cool.. RETURN to your 1st love.. need help? Glad u asked: Start back at page 1.. cuz RIGHTEOUSness looks grand on you sis!!! #SomebodyGonnaGetItOnThe2ndRead

🎯 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief

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