No man knows the day or hour.. what if the trumpets blew RIGHT now.. what’s the move if your family is on different parts.. is there a meet up spot? Can’t call em… no service.. now what?

This message isn’t to scare u BUT to get you thinking about staying ready so you don’t have to get ready! AND yes The Most High will make a way.. but remember faith without works is dead.. so what’s your plan when he provides the way?? To pray he moves your feet…🤔 but HE has already equipped with legs to do that…💡See where I’m going with this??…I know I know I always talk about “being like the ant”… there’s a reason! Go see why: Proverbs 6!
⚠️ Disclaimer: this message is NOT to argue doctrine! But to encourage u to be ready for whatever u believe is going to occur!