🚪.. yet behind closed doors when nobody watching they let their flesh overtake them and righteousness takes a back seat🥴… because there’s nobody around to give them praise for “being so righteous” but the crazy thing is there is EYES on them.. Psalm 121:4!

❤️🔥The best change is true change!! Be the best you for The Most High alll the time and stop doing things to look good in front of man—when you should be trying to put on for THE MAN! Stop acting righteous and just BE righteous!!! I love y’all but y’all got to stop the 🧢 and be 100 with YAH— time is.💜Repent or die, it’s time!
💡Hebrews 4:13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do