.. Yah gives and HE takes away now read that the Hebrew way from right to left: HE takes away, and YAH gives! 🤯.. Sometimes HIS blessings are activated not by what HE gives, but in what HE takes away. REMEMBER 👉🏾we entrust with our lives once we commit to serve HIM with our whole heart.. when we keep remaining obedient. Sooo, that means we trust that HE knows best! (Read that again)! Even when it looks bleak, or confusing to you..or not as you expected— HE already worked it out in your favor, we have to stand on that! Rather sooner or later .. doesn’t matter. What matters is that you stay girded when that time comes.

☝🏾John 16:33 tells you count it ALL joy (keyword ALL) That means good times and the bad! And listen I know being joyous when your soul is crying out and your heart is breaking when everything is falling apart.. seems weird...BUT try finding joy in the "sooner or later"— knowing that while u May bend, u won’t break! Trusting that what falls apart is only being torn down to build up better, though it may tarry— it will come!! 🙌🏾 HIS word is true:
📍Jeremiah 29:11, Isaiah 40:31, Isaiah 45:2-4 and if you still feel helpless, remember Psalms 121, 91, Psalms 151 .. one call, that’s all!❤️