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Writer's picture#DontDeleteMeSis

#MorningBrew☕️⚠️ I need you to survive and if I don’t know you…

I STILL need you to survive! John 16:33, Sirach 2 all tell us to prepare to go through it when you choose to serve The Most High AND we should count it all joy— but the Bible also tells us in Matthew 5:12 that the reward will be great—

Jeremiah 29:11 is one of my favorites and one verse that reminded me that no matter what, who, when or where— I can expect, anticipate Peace! That means peace in the midst of the storm, the struggle, the seasons.. and lastly the smile!

Imagine that! Peace in your smile—- it’s attainable ♥️ Keep Going! I need you to survive🙌🏾

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