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#MorningBrew☕️🤔💬 How many times have things seemed to be working out and going great in our life…

… BUT then we thought this or that.. assumed something that wasn’t true? Having these “negotiations” in our head about the what ifs instead of stepping into the realization of what is true? Especially when someone tells u something u don’t want to hear or criticize you or your work.. why does that linger in your idle mind and builds a case that most times ends up negative!! Now u have allowed thoughts to lock u into a prison that you created… but u don’t even know it.. u just become this negative person who can’t see the good in anything or one.. all because of something YOU have made up in your mind!

But guess what you have a choice! You don’t have to allow negative thoughts, comments or gossip to ruin you! When someone comes to speak negatively, no matter how much you want the tea.. just remember:

☺️💭Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Anything outside of that is wicked and of satan! And we know he loves an idle unstable mind🎯 Remember, you have control to bring your body under subjection. 💗

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