#MorningBrew☕️Just inhale, exhale.. Let's all try it.. one time for the one time!!! 😥 [I'm sure that's a cough, let’s jus imagine it's a breath 😐😂]

🌎👀🌏sometimes life is happening a record speed around you.. and ur like 😨🤚🏿..wait what??? How.. but.. umm.. it can reallllly overwhelm you when u still didn't finish the last 2 things on ur list.. Jus pause..#helpisontheway
..Although the next second isn’t promised..[James 4:13-14].. here's some breaking news.. YOU CAN DO IT LATER.. if it's causing stress and turmoil..jus thinking about it..
#TakeADeepBreath.. and jus meditate on The Most High.. tell HIM ur concerns.. this walk isn't supposed to drain u.. but Fill u up..🌱🚿 #iHopeSomeomeCaughtIt🏌
➡Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 There's a Right Time for Everything⬅