#ModestLookOfTheDay 💎Check out my Sis @paziyah.styles fall into modesty with these earth tones!! I always admired how she puts colors and patterns together 🍁#OhSheSoModestTip📌: when wearing headwraps, you don’t aways have to tie it up, draping is another way to keep covered (Sis also sells beautiful creative and unique modest designs on her page! Check her out!! #ModestyIsBeauty🧕🏾 #CatchAModestBreeze👙🌬👗

#ModestyLookOfTheDay #FallIntoModesty follow @yoursissyscloset @chaasaryahscloset @modestvybezboutique for daily modest looks ideas and for sale on IG! #MakeModestyATrend #ModestyMatters #ModestLookOfTheDayHebrewStyle
...Modestizing one sister at a time 👒👗👛 1 TIMOTHY 2:9 it all starts inwardly... then the outward automatically follows suit💎