I know that yall thought I was gone forever! How could I leave yall after yall didn't delete me?! Although, I won't be on social media..my content will be housed here with some amazing resources as well. Please be patient with me.. I am gathering up some more content to add and getting things in order so the sister outreach can begin.. Follow S.H.E. as we aim to help our sisters who may not have social media or even a place to call home.. Even scarier, they don't know who they are.. ROYALTY-Many asked how they can support this mission, please visit any site page and click "DONATE".. I will be updating the site often, so please sign up so we can really build AND keep coming back to see the progress. I welcome all feedback- Just email suggestions, comments, questions to dontdeletemesis@gmail.com. #WeInThis2gether
-If you already have something like this in your area, I would love some tips! :) -
What can members do?
Members can follow each other, write and reply to comments and receive blog notifications. Each member gets their own personal profile page that they can customize. Kind of something like social media, but with sister focused content..