😎 Day 10! I love the feedback sisters keep chatting! Commenting! Inboxing! Texting!! Just remember this: It ain’t over till The Most High says it’s over!!! So many of y’all were telling me Y’all already feeling mountains moving! Seeing change!! Keep going sis!! We got 20 More Days left!!! Without HIM we are nothing! It makes more and more sense why HE drills it to trust HIM... he isn’t a man that HE should lie.. so every scripture won’t ever return void!! PRAISES BE TO AHBA!!! He is worthy!! Who else sending Their child in that water behind you?!!🤷🏾♀️... Lets get it👇🏾

🌅 Morning Prayer:
🙌🏾 Father we come before you with thanksgiving and praise. We ask for forgiveness for any unrighteousness we have committed in Your sight. Please have grace and mercy on us and on Israel for our trespasses Father. We ask that you forge in us a spirit of obedience even unto death. That we be willing to sacrifice ourselves for Your will Father. We come to You asking for healing Father. For in your word it says that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and that by his stripes we are healed. Your word says that sin is death and You are life. We call for life to the places where the enemy has planted death Father. We know it is his intention for our brothers, father, sons and husbands who have gone astray to reap death for their transgressions. We know that he has enticed them into the pit that they may be lost. But You are the healer and the restorer, the giver of life. I pray that you heal the tears and reconnect those who have been severed from You. Father breathe Your life giving breath into these dead situations and these dying bodies, into these dead unions, and severed heads. Let every tear be mended let every broken piece be found and healed let everything that was lost be replaced. We know that in order to build a solid foundation You have to break up the shaky ground Father. Root up the unstable foundations and rebuild Your church, Your children on solid rock. You are the POWER of restoration. Restore Your bodies back to their heads Father. Heal up your church so we can praise you on one accord Father. Hold these men accountable to their responsibilities and families. Hold them to Your righteous standard. Father give them the strength , Your strength to meet your requirements and to walk in Your will Father. Your words says not one will be lost. So we pray that you send the Holy Spirit to surround them to correct and direct them back to you Father. Do not allow them to wander unprotected. Do not allow the enemy to have his way with your children any longer Father please. We pray that You cause heavy conviction to fall on the guilty. For Your word says you chasten those who are yours, those who You love. We know you love these men because you have known them since before birth, hand picked them, called and justified them that they may walk as Your sons. Chasten them Father. Rebuke them for their lawlessness. We call them kings and know that You hold their hearts in Your hands and direct them like the water course. Direct their hearts and their paths in Your ways Father. Order their steps and provide them a way out of the pits they have fallen into. We pray that the Holy spirit convict them deeply and sharply. That they will not be able to ignore the voice of correction. That Your voice be in their ears and Your word before their eyes wherever they turn. We pray that they find no comfort outside of Your will. That the taste, and sound of sin irritate their spirits and leave a bitter taste in their mouth and fall like a heavy stone in their bellies. That they find no pleasure outside of pleasing You Father. We rebuke every evil assignment and loose the power of the Holy spirit to fill every crack and crevice that is left with love, strength, power and sound mind. Let Your power prevail in this situation. Show Yourself mighty on behalf of Israel Father that we may shout Your praises over all the earth. We thank you in advance and praise Your holy name. You alone are worthy and we know nothing is impossible for you the great I Am. We have confidence in Your power and all faith and assurance that what we asked is being performed at this very moment. Thank you Abba. So be it.
🌄 Evening Prayer:
🤲🏾 Unto You, O Most High, do we lift up our souls. We trust in you: let us not be ashamed, let not our enemies triumph over us. Save us from the shame of defeat; don't let our enemies gloat over us! Your word says none that wait on You will be ashamed: let them be ashamed those who do unrighteousness without cause. Defeat does not come to those who trust in you, but to those who are quick to rebel against you.Show us Your ways, Father; teach us Your paths. Teach us to live according to your truth for you are our POWER, who saves us. Lead us in Your truth, and teach us: for You are the POWER of our salvation; on thee do we wait all day. We always trust in you. Remember, O Most High, Your tender mercies and thy lovingkindnesses; for they have been ever of old. Remember not the sins of our youth, nor our transgressions: according to thy mercy remember us for Your goodness' sake.In your constant love and goodness, remember us Father . Because you are righteous and good. Holy and upright is the Most High: therefore will You teach sinners in Your way. You guide the meek in judgment: You lead the humble in the right way and teach them Your will. With faithfulness and love you lead all who keep your covenant and obey your commands. All the paths of the Most High are mercy and truth unto those that keep his covenant and his testimonies.For Your name's sake pardon our iniquity; for it is great. What man is he that feareth the LORD? him shall The Most High teach in the way that He shall choose. His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth. They will always be prosperous, and their children will possess the land. The secret of the Father is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant. Our eyes are ever looking toward You; for You alone shall pluck our feet out of the net. Turn thee unto us, and have mercy upon us; for we are desolate and afflicted.The troubles of our hearts are enlarged: bring us out of our distresses. Look upon our affliction and our pain; and forgive all of our sins. Be merciful to us, because we are lonely and weak.Relieve us of our worries and save us from all our troubles. Consider our distress and suffering and forgive all our sins. Consider our enemies; for they are many; they hate us with cruel hatred. O keep our soul, and deliver us: let us not be ashamed; for we put our trust in thee. Let integrity and uprightness preserve us for we wait on thee. Redeem Israel, O YAH, out of all its troubles.
🙌🏾 So be it Father!
🧎🏾♀️So be it