🙌🏾💕 Day 16 Guess who is past the halfway mark!! You are! Don’t stop now sis!! I know every minute is allotted in your day: Family, Work, Leisure... but these prayers may take 4-10 minutes a day... truth is we make time for what’s important!! I will just leave that there🥰 Let us get to it!!

🌅 Morning Prayer
❤️ Father we come before You with honor and thanksgiving on our lips. We thank You Father for seeing us through another day. We thank You for the triumphs You have brought us to and through thus far. We ask You for grace and mercy and forgiveness for anything we have done that was displeasing in your sight. We ask for forgiveness on behalf of our nation and our ancestors who disappointed you. We thank You thank You have not given up on us. We confess our disobedience and lawlessness and we turn from our sin wholeheartedly. We ask that You restore us. Heal our broken places an flood us with Your spirit Father. We thank you for the mountains that have been moving and even for the ones that seem as if they haven't. We know that only You are capable of doing such magnificent work. We dedicate ourselves to You and to your will Father. We offer ourselves as living sacrifices to be used as you see fit. We are Your vessels and we come to You on behalf of our fallen heads. We lift them up in the spirit for they are weak and poisoned with the enemy's deception. They have fallen in many pits and without You they will not be free. But we know You hold the keys to free the captives and that You will not suffer Your children to be lost. We trust that they are in Your hands. We know that You have created for yourself them to perform work for Your kingdom and your glory and they will not escape performing Your will. We confess that they have been foreknown, predestined, called, and are now being justified for righteousness sake. We know your hand is with them... We know You are our savior and You are with them because Your word says you will never leave us nor forsake us. You are the POWER of impossible things. There is nothing that is outside of Your power. We know that You are more than capable to perform the work of bringing them home. You are the restorer and we ask that You restore our nation, our bodies to their appointed heads. Your word says what you have joined together let no man put asunder not even us, not even them. So we stand on that word and call that which has been broken, fixed. That which has been put asunder, rectified. That which has been stolen, replaced, and that which has been tainted, cleansed. Renew their minds Father. Tear down every stronghold , every barrier that has been erected to interfere with Your will. Tear down every idol erected against You. Break the chains around them and remove the blinders from their eyes. We pray that they receive supernatural eyesight so they may see their enemy clearly, hearing so they may hear Your voice alone. We pray that every demonic influence is broken and bound. We command every demon and minion assigned to continuously deceive them to be bound and their mouths to be supernaturally sealed shut. We command every unrighteous soul tie to be broken and bound never to return. We loose the power of the Holy spirit to go forth with healing power and ministering power to fill every crack and every crevice that is left empty so that these demons will have no place to return. Fill Your sons with Your strength Father. Fill them with Your heart, Your desires, Your ways, and Your will. Let them long to please You more than they long for anything else in this earth. Fill them with Your righteousness. Allow Your purifying fire to rise up within them and burn away every impurity, every single seed, thought, idea, vision, relationship, and desire that is not of You. We put on Your whole armor over them that they find no comfort or protection, no rest, or no understanding outside of Your will. We pray that You be before them all day everyday and no matter where they turn they are reminded of You. We pray that even in their sleep the Holy spirit trouble them with their obligations and responsibilities. We understand they have been wounded and are hurt and ashamed. We pray that You will reconcile those emotions back in line with Your will. We forgive them and we pray forgiveness for them. Especially that You help them forgive themselves and repent. Make sins a sour taste in their mouths. Make the taste of their temptations be bitter and not satisfying ever again. We know it is possible for it has already been done. Place in them a clean heart and clean mind. Cleanse them of all unrighteousness for Your name sake Father. Your word said You would do it and we claim it with expectancy Father. We ask for Your desire to be fulfilled. That Your servants rise up and do Your will and Your work all for Your glory. We command these Mountains that stand in the way of reconciliation and restoration to be removed. We have faith in You ability and claim it is already done. We thank you again for the victories already won and the Mountains that have already moved. The warriors that have returned and the Ines that are in their way. We thank You that every need is met and every desire and prayer answered in the affirmative. Thank you thank You thank You Father. We are Your beacons of light. We will continue to shine so they may find their way home, so that they sleeping may awaken. Thank You for choosing us to be Your reflective light that magnifies Your love in this earth. We love You and we praise You alone. So be it!
🌄 Evening Prayer
Father we thank You for the ability to come to You as a whole. We thank You for every blessing big and small, the trials and the resting times.. Thank You for the things that seems like hardship that are for our own good. The things are have been set up to grow our faith and patience . Thank You for exercising our endurance. Thank You for all You give us and do for us. Thank You for providing for us the things we need that we don't even know we need. Thank You for the things You provide for our benefit, and for the protection You give us. Even the protection You give us from ourselves. We give You all the glory. Please forgive us for displeasing You in any way. Thank You fir the grace and mercy You provide us through Your forgiveness. We pray to do better today than we did yesterday constantly working towards the perfection You created us for. Father we ask that your will be done in our lives. That you order and guide our steps and that when your timing is manifested and its time for us to move let us have assuredness in the directions you give us. Make it crystal clear Father which way you will have us to go. Protect us from the spirit of doubt and distrust that would seek to intervene in Your plan for our life. Protect us from the strongholds that cause us to hesitate when you say move. Protect us from any unrighteous advice. Protect us from thinking ourselves out of the blessings you have ordained for us. Protect us from the enemy that longs to cheat us out of our inheritance and our place in Your kingdom. Let Your will be sovereign in our lives. We long to obey you and many times we are unsure if we hear your voice because of the outside interference sent for this exact reason, to confuse us. Our spirits long to walk in Your way but many times we are hesitant that the path we think we are being led down is Your specific path for our lives. We ask that you guard our ears from the adversary voices. Let your voice be loud and sure in our spirits. We ask the Holy spirit be with us and guide us towards or away from the the path we should walk. Order our steps. And when unassuredness still exists because of the strongholds of our minds and the deceptions of this world please send us confirmations that will solidify Your direction in our sight. Give us assuredness in our steps. We pray against fear and bind any spirit of anxiety, apprehension, doubt, panic, distress, agitation of the spirit that may come against us when moving in Your will. Bless us with the spirit of peace, strength, confidence, and most of all faith in you and your decision for our life. Build in us the faith to step out. To walk in the faith of Your word that said you will never leave us or forsake us. Please do not allow us to be hampered by the accusations and darts the enemy attempts to throw at us that say we have disobeyed and are no longer in your will. Allow us to walk in the forgiveness that you have blessed us with through your grace and mercy and through no deserving of our own. Allow us to accept the loving kindness you provide. Father we pray against the strongholds that seek to keep us separated. Join us together Father. Allow us to unite in love and obedience and with the objective to please you. We pray against the strongholds that have been erected in our minds that cause us to suspect or be untrusting. We know that in You alone should we place our trust. Keep us from allowing the doubt that has grown from trusting man to cloud and prevent us from putting our trust in You where it belongs. You are the only one we can trust. You alone are the honorable and good one in this earth. Let us be assured that placing our trust in you is safety. We ask that you tear down the stronghold of our thoughts. Renew our minds to think your thoughts, renew our hearts to not love hesitantly. Give us comfort in the fruits of the spirit. Rebuke our flesh and crucify it. We pray against this flesh that would attempt to constantly remind us of our past mistakes and pain to keep us in bondage to those things. Trusting You will never lend the same results as trusting in the world. Loving in the kingdom will never feel like what we have been convinced that love was in this wicked system. Keep us mindful of that as we walk with You and in Your way. We ask all of these things for Your glory and the progression of Your kingdom. We wait in expectancy of an answer in affirmative of these prayers. We pray above all that Your will be done. We thank You in advance. So be it.
ALL ESTEEM TO THE MOST HIGH!! I’m so happy to hear this sis!! We are all about love, learning and uplifting over here❤️ if u ever need help jus send a chat or email🥰
🙏🏾☀️. All praises to the most high! You are truly a blessing, thank you for sharing your time, your energy, and your words! A sister directed me here apttmh, and it has been so helpful, and renewing. Have a blessed day, sister. 🙏🏾🥰
So be it 🧎🏾♀️