🙇🏾♀️Day 29!! Can we just say THANK YOU today.. for the trials turned testimony. For the message that came forth from the mess! Without the rain, the trees wouldn’t survive.. and without the trees.. we couldn’t survive! See what I mean! #GRATEFUL ... HE is like none other... and we belong to HIM! 🙌🏾
👇🏾..one more day until we reach #30👇🏾
🌅 Morning Prayer
Father we come before You with thanksgiving and praise in our mouths. We thank You for every breakthrough great and small. We thank You for every day we have to press towards the mark of the higher calling on our lives. We ask for forgiveness for anything we may have done that displeased You . We ask for forgiveness on behalf of our other halves, our heads, Israel, and our ancestors. We thank You that You are a gracious and loving Father and that You wipe Your memory clean of our transgresses That You remember our sins of old no more. Help us to do the same for those who ha e wronged us. We thank You for Your love which covers every transgression Father. That through all of our backslidings and shortcomings You have never given up on us. Help us to love with that same compassion. Help us to encompass the essence of Your love for our heads, our brothers, and sisters. Use us and fill us with Your character Father. Let us be a walking display of You. Help us to not be puffed up or ever thinking better of ourselves than anyone else. Help us to be humble in our very thoughts, our very dealings with Your children, simply because they are Yours. And with the same manner we treat them will be the same manner that we receive, and if we wrongfully offend any of them we have You to contend with, just as if any offend or assault us You will repay them with Your vengeance. Keep us mindful of the way we represent You. Keep us mindful of the way we bring glory or shame to Your name. Help us to continually be understanding Father , walking in love and bearing the burden of those who are currently lost in this battle. Keep us from thinking more highly of ourselves and lowly and in judgment of them...knowing that it could be any one of us victim to the enemy's attack. Keep us walking in the fruit of the spirit , in the fruit of long-suffering, of meekness, humility, and most of all faith as we wait on You to perform the work You have promised to bring to pass. We come to you in agreement on behalf of Israel. We come bringing our desires before you with all faith and assurance that You hear our prayers. Father Your word says that the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much and we are in need of much result and much favor. We know that the enemy is attacking Israel. Attempting to decapitate the head from the body to render us incapable of performing the work You have set before us. Without our heads we are incomplete and unable to reach the full capacity that You have created for Your body. Your word also says that when we operate in obedience there is nothing that will be withheld from us, especially if we pray according to Your will. So Father we ask that You show yourself mighty on behalf of your sons. Your word also says that you heal the broken hearted. All of Your children are brokenhearted especially the one being used by the enemy, those walking in unrighteousness, because one can only be healed by You and the result of healing is shown through obedience to Your will. We see them operating in unrighteousness. Keep us in the mind that they are also victims to the enemy 's plots against them. They have also been wounded and hurt in these attacks. They are brought near death in these attacks. The enemy wishes to steal their lives and cheat them of their heritage and favor in Your will. We ask that you heal them. Replace their hearts of stones and renew their minds and spirits Father. Your word says if we trust in You with all of our hearts and lean not to our own understanding, and acknowledge You in all of our ways You would direct our paths. We trust You Father. We don't understand everything but we know that everything works for the good of those that love You. We love You Father and we know You have a plan for us, an expected end to bring us good and not evil. So we stand in the assurance of Your word. We stand on your promises. We stand in the gap for the heads of Israel. We know as the body You have created us for perfection and without them we are not perfect. So we ask that you heal them, heal Israel, and that you gather them back to You Father. We ask that you chastise Your sons. We ask for Your correction Father. We ask that You quicken their spirits, that they no longer run from their calling. We ask that they find no peace outside of You Father, that sin no longer comforts them, that addiction no longer soothes them, that temptation no longer hides them. We pray that they find no escape from their conviction , no silence for Your voice. We pray that they have no comfort, no peaceful sleep. Because we know there is no peace in sin Father. Let them feel the weight of their decisions and the heaviness in their irresponsibility. Send Your warring angels to fight the demonic forces that have ensnared them on their behalf. We ask that fear of man and the enemy no longer move them to anger and sin; that they fear You and You alone. We plead that every form of demonic influence be rebuked and sent back to the pit of hell. We pray that every unrighteous relationship be broken, every unrighteous soul tie, every unrighteous stronghold of the mind, and that every unrighteous influence be broken. We bind every spirit of fear, brokenness, witchcraft, temptation, anger, malice, contention, and every wicked thing that is currently influencing and will attempt to interact with them. We command every chain, shackle, and evil bondage that would bind and keep them SLA e to their sin to be broken. We loose the power of the Holy spirit to minister to their spirits , to bring righteous influences, and to bring sanctified interactions to replace and take over where wickedness once prevailed in their lives. We ask that they be emptied of all rebellion and disobedience and every seed of wickedness and filled back up with Your spirit and Your power, Your love, forgiveness, and most of all Your strength to overcome. They need this Father. They need Your mercy and Your salvation. We need this Father . Israel needs this Father. Have mercy on us. You have promised the men of Israel that You will help them in times of trouble. So we come to You expecting You to keep Your promise. That You will exact Your wrath on our enemy and uphold Your children. Your word says that our enemies are Your enemies. And because Your word also says that You have chosen us. We did not choose you. And that You have ordained us picked us specifically that we should produce Your fruit and that these fruits will remain. So as we go forth producing the fruit of love, joy, temperance, meekness, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, and faith we ask that you cover us with Your protection, we ask that You provide us with the strength we need to withstand every trial before us. We ask that the Holy spirit be loosed among us and that Your peace which passes all understanding comfort us and keep us from falling into the flesh. Help us to stay in the spirit and to stay in prayer. Close our fleshly eyes Father. Grant us discernment and the ability to see in the spirit at all times. Prevent us from being caught unaware. We confess that we see these men in the spirit. They are the mirror images of our Father with all of His righteous attributes. They love us as they were created to love us. They sacrifice for the body just as the Messiah sacrificed for his bride. We take up the armor You have provided us with for our defense. We cover their heads and ours with the helmet of salvation that the deceptions of the enemy not penetrate it and enter our minds. We rebuke every stronghold, every false perception. Blind our eyes and let us be led by the Holy spirit Father. Keep us hidden from the visual deception that is used against us. Cover our ears and their ears that we cannot hear the lies of the enemy. Let us hearken only to Your voice Father for we belong to You and the voice of a stranger we will not follow. We take up the breastplate of righteousness to cover their and our vital organs. Let it protect our hearts and keep them from hardening with the darts of deceit, pain, and anger from the adversary. Protect our lungs that are full of Your breath Your very essence Father and keep us from using that breath to confess the enemies lies. Keep us speaking those things which be not as though they were. For life and death are in our mouths. Let us keep Your praise and goodness in our mouths at all times. We take up and put on the girdle of truth for our heads and ourselves. Encompass us all in truth, surround us in truth always Father. That whether we look to the right or the left we will see nothing else and we will know it in our spirits. Protect the Royal seed Father that it not be tainted by unrighteous unions. Break every unrighteous soul tie and kill every unrighteous leadership. We take up the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit to quench every fiery dart the wicked one would try to throw at us. We put of the sandals of peace in prayer that as long as we walk in Your ways there will peace in our spirits. We pray that they will only find peace and rest in You through obedience and submission to You. We know you are refining and purifying them as we speak. We claim their healing and their restoration to their rightful positions. We claim restoration of our nation, our our homes, of all of our hearts, minds, and spirits, and of our families and unions. We claim completion. We claim that we be able to move forward on Your path without opposition. That every mountain be moved and every pitfall be filled. That the angels bears us up that we may not even dash our foot against a stone. Let not one hair on the heads of Your children be harmed, that no evil thing will befall us neither shall any plague come nigh our dwellings. That although these weapons
have formed against us, and look in the flesh to be prevailing over our heads and even us Father, Your promise says they will not prosper. We will be victorious. We claim our victory in You Father in Your power and Your might. Let the chains and walls come crumbling down. We know it is Your will and it is done. For it is already written. So be it.
🌄Evening Prayer:
Father we come before you in humility bowing before You and Your glorious throne of grace. We ask for forgiveness for anything we have done against you knowingly or unknowingly. We all for forgiveness of our ancestors and our heads. Father we please that You continue to extend Your grace and mercy to us. Cleanse us Father of all unrighteousness. Protect us in this wicked world. Many hearts are bound by ego and fear. Please strengthen our faith in Your higher purpose and open our minds to the truth that everything is unfolding according to Your divine plan. Let compassion and love for my brothers and sisters flow from us and may we all be uplifted by your glory. We lift up our eyes to the hills from whence comes our help. Our help comes from You O Most High, who made heaven and earth. Your word says You will not allow our feet to be moved; You who keeps us will not slumber. Behold, You who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The MOST HIGH is our keeper; The MOST HIGH is our shade at our right hand. The sun shall not strike us by day, Nor the moon by night. You shall preserve us from all evil; You shall preserve our souls. The Most High shall preserve our going out and our coming in From this time forth, and even forevermore. Father, it is in our weaknesses that Your power is made most visible in our lives. We call out for deliverance and yet endure the discomfort and affliction as a true soldier of the faith, all the while being “joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.” Father, it is under Your wings that we are protected against the fierce wind currents of doubt, fear, and impatience. Such troubling emotions weigh us down and can pull us right into the path of a pelting storm. But it is through eyes of faith and a heart of trust that we can mount up with You and soar like eagles above the assaulting storm. You promise never to leave us nor forsake us which gives us courage to wait and trust You to fully answer our prayers. Father, Help us to work through these jolts of the unexpected and unwelcome interruptions that bring sadness, disappointment or a change of our seemingly perfect plans. It’s how You work Your purpose in our lives as we overcome and work through major obstacles that affect us. We seek to remain steadfast, moving forward in our walk as we experience the inevitable heartaches of life. At times we bring about our own grief and troubles because of our unrighteous actions. We thank You for Your forgiveness in these matters. You give us fresh resolve to trust and obey You. Thank You that You are the Power of the impossible. You can do anything. We trust in Your ability and not our own. Teach us to see difficulties in our lives from Your perspective. Help us to focus on You and Your power. Help us to be like Joshua and Caleb who believed in a good report and focused on You even in hard circumstances (Numbers 14:7-9). Today we bring before You every difficulty in our lives. Help us not to fear but to trust You in each situation. We declare outfaith in Your ability to fulfill Your promises to us. You will fight for us and win the battles in our lives. You are mighty, powerful, righteous and true. We have nothing to fear with You on my side. We will be strong and courageous even in hard times. We will not be terrified or discouraged, for the Most High will be with us wherever we go (Joshua 1:9). You will never leave or forsake us (Joshua 1:5). We do not need to figure everything out. You already know the best plan for our lives. We will not try any man-made method to do only what You can do. Show us Your supernatural power. Teach us how to walk by faith and pray breakthrough prayers. We choose to have faith in Your ability to break through every obstacle in our lives. Just like Joshua, You will give is the land and every place where our feet step (Joshua 1:3). “Through thee will we push down our enemies: through thy name will we tread them under that rise up against us. For I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me.But thou hast saved us from our enemies, and hast put them to shame that hated us. In God we boast all the day long, and praise thy name for ever. Psalm 44:5-8). “Ahba, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand” (Psalm 16:5-11). We thank You for everything You are doing. We thank You for everything You have done. We thank You for Your plans pertaining us and Your promises. We appreciate Your provision and Your protection. We submit to Your Providence. We claim everything promised to us and we wait on these things expectantly. It is already done. So be it.
Let the chains and walls come crumbling down. We know it is Your will and it is done. For it is already written. So be it.🧎🏾♀️🙌🏾🙏🏾🔥📖⚔️
AND IT IS SO!!🙏🏿🙏🏿🙌🏿❤️