🙌🏾Day 9: We still alive sisters! Let’s jump right to it...sometimes we lose ourselves in getting lost and just need guidance from the ONE TRUE navigator ... but we have to allow HIS love, guide us out. Now HIS love while pure, may include chastening .. we have to be ready for that as well... just remember correction Is love... Let’s pray for our brothers and sisters:
🌅 Morning Prayer:
Father we come before you in humility and thanks giving . Giving You all honor and praise for You alone are worthy. We praise Your holy name for we know that You are the one true Power the Most High above all, in all, and through all on this earth. We glorify Your holy name Father of Israel. We thank you for choosing us, for keeping us, for never forsaking us Father. We thank you for providing for us, for proving us, and protecting us. We come before you asking first for forgiveness for any unrighteousness we have committed in Your eyesight. Please forgive us. Have mercy and grace upon us Father. We ask forgiveness on behalf of Israel and our ancestors as well Father. This is our confession hear our pleas and grant us absolution. Your word says that in You all of our needs are met. That we should not worry about our provision because You provide for us. It also says that You will make a way of escape out of temptation for us. Our heads are under attack, under constant temptation, and in need of a way of escape. We plead on their behalf that you will provide a way to heal the body of Israel, that You will make a way out of no way. Your word also says that you heal the broken hearted. We are broken hearted as well as the heads of Israel. We see them operating in unrighteousness but we know they are also victims to the enemy 's plots against them. They have also been wounded and hurt in these attacks. We ask that you heal them. Replace their hearts of stones and renew their minds and spirits Father. Your word says if we trust in You with all of our hearts and lean not to our own understanding, and acknowledge You in all of our ways You would direct our paths. We trust You Father. We don't understand everything but we know that everything works for the good of those that love You. We love You Father and we know You have a plan for us, an expected end to bring us good and not evil. So we stand in the assurance of Your word. We stand on your promises. We stand in the gap for the heads of Israel. We know as the body You have created us for perfection and without them we are not perfect. So we ask that you heal them, heal Israel, and that you gather them back to You Father. We ask that you chastise Your sons. We ask for Your correction Father. We ask that You quicken their spirits, that they no longer run from their calling. We ask that they find no peace outside of You Father, that sin no longer comforts them. We pray that they find no escape from their conviction , no silence for Your voice. We pray that they have no comfort, no peaceful sleep. Because there is no peace in sin Father. Let them feel the weight of their decisions and the heaviness in their irresponsibility. Send Your warring angels to fight the demonic forces that have ensnared them on their behalf. We ask that fear of man and the enemy no longer move them to anger and sin; that they fear You and You alone. We plead that every form of demonic influence be rebuked and sent back to the pit of hell. We pray that every unrighteous relationship be broken, every unrighteous soul tie, every unrighteous stronghold of the mind, and that every unrighteous influence be broken. We bind every spirit of fear, brokenness, witchcraft, temptation, anger, malice, contention, and every wicked thing that is currently influencing and will attempt to interact with them. We loose the power of the Holy spirit to minister to their spirits , to bring righteous influences, and to bring sanctified interactions. We ask that they be emptied and filled back up with Your spirit and Your power. They need this Father. We need this Father . Israel needs this Father. Have mercy on us. We stand and believe that are prayers have been heard and our requests have been answered in the affirmative already. We thank you in advance. So be it.
🌄 Evening Prayer:
Heavenly Father we come before You with praise and Thanksgiving. We thank You for this day, a day we did not have to live to see. Thank You for Your majesty. You alone are worthy of our praise. Holy is Your name. You are full of honor and there is none like You. Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in our lives and on earth as it is in heaven. We thank You Father for constantly and consistently providing for us. You meet our every need. Forgive us for every trespass we have committed against You Father. We thank You for the grace and mercy You give us even though we are undeserving. Help us to treat our brother and sisters with the same grace, mercy, and love that You give us so freely. Allow us to forgive as You forgive. To remember those things that have been done against us no more. We know vegeance and judgement is Yours Father. Teach us to leave those transgressions and those who trangress against us at Your feet. We pray that You extend your hand among us and bless us with Your character. Lead, guide, and direct us away from all wickedness. We pray the angels be encamped about and around us keeping us from even dashing our foot against a stone. Keep us from evil. Enlarge our territory Father. Enlarge our borders and the area that the light that shines through us reaches. Use us to be a beacon and a blessing near and far. Let your fruits overflow in us and onto those you send us to minister to. Gather us together Father. Allow us to be surrounded by Your spirit and Your righteousness. Allow us to be submersed in the truth. Let it cover our heads to our feet. May we walk in truth and follow the truth. May we seek the truth, alway speaking the truth. May we see the truth, and receive the truth. Father You are our fortress. In You alone do we trust. You are our only help, our only source, our one true power. In you we have no want. You make it possible for us to lie down and sleep peacefully and protected. You hydrate us with living waters. You are the restored of our souls. You lead us in Your path of righteousness, and all the glory is Yours. Even though we walk through this world filled with the adversary, wickedness, and death, we have no fear. You are always with us, even until the ends of the earth. Your word, and Your spirit comfort us. You prepare a way for us out of no way and bless us with the abundance of our enemies. You anoint us with Your Holy Spirit who grants us wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. With you there is never lack. Surely Your goodness and mercy will abound in our lives for the rest of our life and if it be Your will we will abide with You in Your kingdom for eternity. We claim these things for they are written and already done. So be it.
Yes sisters!!! If ya feeling the pressure... that means we are making noise!!!
Thawadah for these prayers 💓
All Esteem to the Father's will.
So be it🙏🏾